Learning Android Development

People have asked me how they can learn Android development. This is a list of free resources that I used in my growth as an Android Developer. I’m still learning and growing and I will try to keep this list current with new material. Please send me an email if you feel that I’ve missed something.

###Beginner Android Vogella Android

Android Bootcamp

Google Android

SlideNerd Begining Android

Google IO 2010 - The World of ListView (even though ListView was replaced by RecyclerView this video is a must watch to learn fundamental concepts)

TwistedEquations Tutorials - (1- 12 Begginer, 13+ Intermediate to Advanced)

###Intermediate Android Google’s UX (User Experince) best practices

Google’s Material Design specifcations

SlideNerd Andorid 5.0 Tutorials

SlideNerd Database Tutorials

####Important Google IO Conferences: Memory Managment

What’s New in Android Developer Tools (Most of the videos in this playlist are very important)

Android Design for UI Developers

Android ProTips

Google’s Location Tutorial

Android UI Patterns

Android Developers Blog (a must read)

Andrew Ruffolo Channel (he has a lot of good videos) -

###Advanced Android Graphics performance tips

Android Performance Patterns

Optimizing App Performance

Writing Zippy Android Apps

Google’s Best Practices for performance

Android Debugging - Method Profiling

Learn how to performance tune an Android application

Ten tips for memory management

###Useful Google Plus Groups Android Performance Patterns

Android Developer Tools

Material Style Apps

Material Design Apps

Android App Design

Remember, premature optimization is the root of all evil. See here and here. It’s always best to get it working first and then optimize. Use Android profiling tools to identify ‘pain points’ and focus on those areas.

Don’t forget about Stackoverflow. It is a great place to ask (and answer) questions.

Have fun and good luck!